• #theatre


2019.10.08 > 2019.10.19

as part of the Festival d’Automne in Paris

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Rocky Balboa, the imaginary mentor of a young medical student. Emmanuèle Bernheim had imagined this in one of his novels, which Clotilde Hesme and Fabien Gorgeart brought to the stage. The actress boxes the words of the writer who is passionate about the figure of Sylvester Stallone.

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  • plein tarif € 18
  • tarif réduit € 16
  • tarif adhérent € 12
  • tarif abonné € 12

box office : +33 (0)1 53 35 50 00

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practical information

indicative duration: 1h15

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Tour dates

Production, supports

Production : Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS - Coproduction : Festival d’Automne à Paris ; Théâtre Sorano (Toulouse) - Coréalisation : Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS ; Festival d’Automne à Paris - Soutiens : soutien initial de l’ADAMI ; GoGoGo films